Our database of Mailing List Providers (giving company name, telephone number, email and website address) identifies brokers/service suppliers known to offer contacts in the UK construction industry (you must be logged-in to access it).

The Direct Marketing Association can provide comprehensive details of mailing list brokers and selections can be made by industry sectors and professional disciplines. Contact:


Direct Marketing Association
DMA House
70 Margaret Street
London W1W 8SS
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7291 3300
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://dma.org.uk/

If considering a mailing campaign to a specific industry sector, many of the industry’s leading journal publishers provide circulation lists or a mailing fulfilment service and a further list of these publishers and titles appears below. If a campaign is targeted towards a specific profession it is also worth approaching the relevant institute or trade association representing the discipline in question. Sometimes access to the database of members is permitted although this can depend on the nature of the campaign and the material being circulated. An index of trade bodies representing professionals may be found here (log-in required to access).

Construction Industry Mailing List Providers