It may be stating the obvious, but editorial coverage, digital or traditional hardcopy, can not only provide excellent levels of publicity, but can also help to build trust and credibility in a product. As diverse and fragmented as it may be, in terms of journal coverage, the UK construction industry is very well served with around 330 journals covering every niche, sector and subsector, offering product manufacturers and service providers highly targeted promotional opportunities.


In order to support your PR activities, we continually maintain this unlimited use database of named editorial and sales contacts for each of these journals, which you can download here. Each entry provides the named editorial contact and designated email address, together with sales information, such as circulation.

A few key points to consider when submitting press releases:

  • Content should aim to educate rather than overtly promote
  • Consider what the editor needs: ideal subject matter will disseminate information which is likely to impact or affect the specific journal's readership, such as new product innovations, events, topical project specifications, generic technological advances, achievement of standards, accreditations, etc.
  • A source list of people/facts referenced in the article
  • When the content relates to technological advances, focus on the benefits
  • Maintain a regular flow of press releases to gradually build awareness, not spasmodic infrequent splurges
  • Attach striking images and, if possible, links to related video and other digital content
  • When disseminating the news, give priority to the editor(s), so delay posting on in-house blogs, websites and on social media

See also:

Construction Features Calendar - a month-by-month guide to forthcoming features in key construction journals.

Construction Marketing/PR Agencies – including a database comprising Marketing/PR agencies which we have researched and identified as specialising in the construction industry.

Tall Building Magazine highlights design and building technology innovation in the UK high-rise sector. Tall Buildings includes latest industry news, exemplar case studies, comment, interviews...

Construction Industry Editors & PR